About Balami Be Sooye Sahel ( Balami Be Sooye Sahel )
«Balami Be Sooye Sahel» is a 1364 family-social movie, directed and written by «Rasoul Molla Gholipoor», produced by «Mohsen Agha Ali Akbari»; starring «Khosrow Ziaei», «Ataullah Salmanian», «Behzad Behzadpour», «Jafar Dehghan» and «Farid Keshan Fallah». The story of this film takes place in late Mehr 1359; when the Khorramshahr is at risk of collapse, a battalion commander of the Revolutionary Guards under the command of Morteza left Tehran to help the warriors of this city, and because of its road near the Iraqis, they should bring the Khorramshahr port of Mahshahr by helicopter, but his efforts for the helicopter failed and...
About Balami Be Sooye Sahel ( Balami Be Sooye Sahel )
The movie Balami Be Sooye Sahel was released in 1985. It was directed by Rasoul Mollagholipour. Some of the actors who starred in this movie include ataollah soleimanian، Behzad Behzadpour، Jafar Dehghan and Saeed KeshanFallah.