About O Manfi ( O Negative )
«O Manfi» is a 1368 family-social movie, directed by «Ahmad Reza Garshasbi» and «Karim Zargar», written by «Abolfazl Jalili» and produced by «Ruhollah Baradari»; starring «Hamid Heydari», «Abbas Amiri», «Hassan Babaei» and «Hossein Yari». The story of this film is narrated in two episodes; one of the cities in southern is bombed and an injured woman needs an «O-negative» blood type to survive. And another, a veteran needs a certain type of fish to recover, and the veteran's younger brother goes fishing ...
About O Manfi ( O Negative )
The movie O Negative was released in 1989. It was directed by Ahmadreza Garshaspi and karim zargar. Some of the actors who starred in this movie include hamid heydari، Abbas Amiri Moghaddam، Hossein Yari and hasan babaee.