About Aghrab ( Scorpion )
«Scorpion» is a 1375 crime-action movie, directed by «Behrouz Afkhami» and written by «Nasser Shamloo», produced by «Abdollah Alikhani» and «Hossein Farahbakhsh»; starring «Jamshid Hashempour», «Atila Pesyani», «Hassan Rezaei», «Shahram Zargar», «Mina Faramarzi» and «Mohammad Saleh Ala». The story of this film is that drug and arms traffickers in the Balochestan region, through one of their leaders, ask Captain «Yeke Taz» to allow their cargo to pass through the region in exchange for receiving a large number of dollars; Captain Yeke Taz agrees, but ...
About Aghrab ( Scorpion )
The movie Scorpion was released in 1996. It was directed by Behrouz Afkhami. Some of the actors who starred in this movie include Jamshid Hashempour، Mohammad Saleh Ala، Atila Pesyani، Hassan Rezaee، Kazem HajirAzad، rafi madadkar، shahram zargar and mina faramarzi.