About Khoon Bazi ( Mainline )
"Mainline", a film in the family-social genre written by "Rakhshan Bani-Etemad", "Farid Mostafavi", "Mohsen Abdolvahab" and "Naghmeh Samini" and directed by "Rakhshan Bani Etemad" and "Mohsen Abdolvahab" and produced in 2006 in . Prominent actors such as "Baran Kowsari", "Bita Farahi", "Massoud Raygan" and "Bahram Radan" have played roles in this film. The film tells the story of an addicted girl named Sarah who plans to quit before her fiancé Arash returns from Canada and their wedding. But this decision is not as simple as she thinks, because the temptation to re-use the drug does not leave her. In the war between temptation and resistance, which one wins ?!
About Khoon Bazi ( Mainline )
The movie Mainline was released in 2006. It was directed by Rakhshan Banietemad and Mohsen Abdolvahab. Some of the actors who starred in this movie include Baran Kosari، Bita Farrahi، Masoud Rayegan، Bahram Radan and Farid Valizadeh.