About Salam Bar Eshgh ( Salam Bar Eshgh )
«Salam Bar Eshgh» is a 1388 family-social movie, directed by «Asghar Naeemi», produced by «Abdollah Alikhani» and «Mohammad Hossein Farahbakhsh» and written by «Hassan Ansarian»; starring «Amin Hayaei», «Elnaz Shakerdoust», «Niki Karimi», «Atila Pesyani», «Kamran Tafti», «Ahmad Pourmokhbar» and «Malake Ranjbar». The film tells the story of an unemployed and penniless young man named «Nader» who has to choose to get out of his problems and he makes the worst choice and, at the temptation of his brother, commits a theft whose future destiny changes ...
About Salam Bar Eshgh ( Salam Bar Eshgh )
The movie Salam Bar Eshgh was released in 2009. It was directed by Asghar Naeemi. Some of the actors who starred in this movie include Amin Hayai، Niki Karimi، Elnaz Shakerdoost، Atila Pesyani، Kamran Tafti، Reza Ashtiani، Ahmad PoorMokhber، Mokhtar Saeghi and Malakeh Ranjbar.