About Kolahi Baraye Baran ( A Hat For Baran )
«A Hat For Baran» is a 1385 comedy-family movie directed by «Massoud Navabi» and produced by «Mohsen Vaziri»; starring «Reza Attaran», «Javad Razavian», «Hadith Fooladvand», «Mehran Ghafourian», «Mehran Rajabi», «Zohreh Hamidi» and «Flor Nazari». The story of the movie is about two thieves named «Ebi» and «Jalal» who plan to rob a house, but during the robbery, they find out about the suicide of the landlord's daughter due to a heartbreak, and they decide to save her.
About Kolahi Baraye Baran ( A Hat For Baran )
The movie A Hat For Baran was released in 2006. It was directed by Masoud Navabi. Some of the actors who starred in this movie include Reza Attaran، Javad Razavian، Hadis Fooladvand، Mehran Ghafourian، Mehran Rajabi، Zohreh Hamidi and Fathali Oveisi.