داستان فیلم در دنیای تو ساعت چند است
گلی پس از مدت ها زندگی در فرانسه به و زادگاهش رشت بازمیگردد، فرهاد آشنایی قدیمی به استقبالش میرود اما گلی...
What time is it in your world? is considered Safi Yazdanian's first feature film as a director. In addition to Leila Hatami and Ali Mosaffa, a number of local actors from Gilan province also played roles in this film. Zari Khoshkam, played by Leila Hatami's mother and Ali Hatami's wife, after several decades of low presence and the role of composer Christoph Rezaei in two roles, are some of the interesting points of this film. After living in France for 20 years, Goli decides to go to and His birthplace is the city of Rasht. Farhad greets him in Rasht and says that he is an old acquaintance, but Goli does not remember him at all.
درباره فیلم در دنیای تو ساعت چند است
فیلم در دنیای تو ساعت چند است محصول سال 1394 است که توسط صفی یزدانیان کارگردانی شده. از بازیگرانی که در این فیلم خانوادگی و عاشقانه به ایفای نقش پرداختهاند میتوان لیلا حاتمی، علی مصفا و زری خوشکام را نام برد.
The movie What's the Time in Your World was released in 2015. It was directed by Safi Yazdaniyan. Some of the actors who starred in this movie include Leila Hatami، Ali Mosaffa and Zari khoshkam.