About Eshgh va Jonun ( Love and Madness )
«Love and Madness» is a 1392 family-social movie, directed and written by «Hassan Najafi» and produced by «Mohammad Reza Mohammadi»; starring «Saeed Rad», «Pouria Poursorkh», «Bahareh Afshari», «Elham Charkhandeh» and «Shiva Makinian». The story of this film is about a man who comes to Tehran 30 years after an incident that is just a simple misunderstanding to take revenge on someone and kill him ...
About Eshgh va Jonun ( Love and Madness )
The movie Love and Madness was released in 2013. It was directed by Hassan Najafi. Some of the actors who starred in this movie include Saeed Rad، Pouria Poursorkh، Bahareh Afshari، Elham Charkhandeh and Shiva Maki Nian.